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Our Approach to Teaching & Learning

The school's approach is based on Intregral Education as developed by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. 

For more detail on this approach please go to 


Interview with Heidi, Shankar and students - Feb 2008


A healthy and positive learning experience is dependent on the child's receptivity, which in turn is dependent on how happy they are, how creatively stimulated they are and their sense of security and belonging. Aikiyam seeks to provide all those aspects for each child's development.

Innovative & Fun Learning to help with English Pronunciation

Coming soon....

Hands-on Project Based Learning

Principal Shankar explains the first grade's "My Village Project".

1st Standard "My Village" Project.


Each standard or grade has a project presentation at the beginning of the calendar year. These projects begin with research about the topic and develop into an array of project based involvements for the children. These learning activities can involve painting, drawing, creating books and making presentations to the school which incude play, song, dance, comedic skits and recitations.


Jhoti and Navarathinam's "Our Village" project included most all of the above plus earth works! A village well and a pond were dug in order to simulate the early Kuilipalayam village environment. It wouldn't have been complete without a hut, so a hut was also built which included a stove. Examples of the grain grown in the area and grinding stones were found and presented.

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